
Gastonia Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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Gastonia Medical Malpractice Attorney

Medical malpractice cases are the result of an individual facing an injury or death from the negligent acts or omissions of a health care facility or professional care provider. There are a number of circumstances that must be proven in order to build a medical malpractice case. The standard of care that you or a loved one received is the foundation for which a case is built. With medical malpractice cases, negligence must be proven, but that negligence must be the direct cause of the injury or death.

Significant damages must also arise from the aforementioned injury or death. These damages could include current and future medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering. Typically, it must be proven that a medical or health care professional failed to diagnose a medical condition, provided improper treatment, or failed to warn a patient about potential or known risks associated with a form of treatment or procedure.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

At Roberts Law Firm, P.A., our attorneys and legal team are dedicated to providing clients with the legal representation and support they need.

Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Are Ready To Help

While medical malpractice claims are challenging and complex, our attorneys are prepared to represent your family. We maintain a network of medical professionals whom we turn to for information on these types of cases. We rely on these professionals to verify whether or not medical malpractice occurred in relation to your situation. For more information about medical malpractice, contact our attorneys at Roberts Law Firm, P.A.



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